Sunday, July 20, 2008

My grace is all you need

I went to Yakima Valley last week to visit my friend Mel.
You should meet her, she's great.
She lives in a beautiful city surrounded by desert and filled with orchards. Everywhere. It's beautiful and just what I needed. We spent the perfect day together.

I watched The Dark Knight on Saturday night. For those of you who aren't aware, it's the new Batman movie with Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. Oh. My. Goodness.
I have not seen such a piece of art in a long time. Especially in a movie.
I didn't think the script was anything incredible, they could have worked on that a bit. But the acting and storyline were both amazing.

As I was watching the movie my mind, as well as several others most likely, was wandering to the fact that Heath Ledger is now dead. There is much speculation as to why he died and if it was accidental or not. Of course I do not know for sure one way or another but here is what I came up with in my head, a thought you might want to ponder.
After watching the movie, this is key to understanding where i'm coming from, I think that Heath Ledger gave himself so completely to the role, body and more importantly mind, that he made the decision that this was it. He had created a masterpiece and in order to do that he sacrificed himself for the role. I do not think his death was an accident. I think he purposefully ended it at the top of his game. And when you look back over the span of his career, it really was the top. But again, this can only be speculation because I will never know. Just a thought.

Incredible movie that I would most definitely recommend.

"So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud. Three different times I begged him to take it away. Each time he said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness'".
2 Cor. 12: 7-9

"My grace is all you need".
That is all I need.
Redemption has been a little theme for me. What does it mean for me to be redeemed? By God? By others? I believe that God is going to redeem my summer. Nothing I have done or will do is for naught. In my weakness He is being made strong and quite frankly, I would rather have Him being strong than me. Because without him, I am a different person entirely. I am so changed by Christ. So moved by his love. I was reading 1 Corinthians 13 this morning. The "love" chapter. The first line I read goes like this, "Love is patient...". Nuff said.
God will redeem me AND my summer.

Song of the Day:
Saving Petals by Brendan Kwiatkowski


Ky said...
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Ky said...

I just watched Dark Knight tonight. Heath was brilliant, but it kind of scares me, what you brought up about sacrificing his life for the role. I think you're right... and it makes me wonder how much we should be putting into our art. I think I can safely say I won't go so far as to kill myself, but I question what giving yourself to the work is supposed to look like. What kind of boundaries are there? How is it different for each person? It also makes me so thankful to know a God who will guide me through this, so even though I don't know the answers those questions at present, I have someone other than myself to turn to.

Kaylee said...

Dark Knight = awesome. Agreed.

Who knows about Heath. All I know is, man, how tragic that such a brilliant actor is no longer with us. How he made such a hateful, psychopath of a character actually sympathetic, I'll never grasp.
