Sunday, May 9, 2010

Almost a Week

I can't believe it hasn't even been a week yet. It feels like ages have gone by.

There were a lot of bonding moments with the company this week. One of our cast members decided to go home because of personal issues so we are down to 5 actors. We have laughed A LOT these past couple of days. These are some funny people and they are always making me pee my pants. We are all very different but I am glad I am learning so much from them.

I'm currently sick with a cough and cold which doesn't make rehearsals very energizing so if you pray, maybe you could pray for health. I'm also struggling with homesickness and that is challenging as well because I would like to put my heart and soul into this project without thinking about home all the time. These last couple of days have been better. I think it will take time.

We have drum circles almost every night. In fact, there is one happening right below me as I type (I live on the second floor of our house). Our producer has a collection of african drums, or that style at least, and a bunch of wooden instruments so we are usually singing together and making music. I like living with hella creative people. Last night we sang 'Single ladies' to just drums. I thought it went really well.

My days are spent in rehearsals and making meals with the rest of the company. We have 3 hours of rehearsal in the morning, and 3 hours in the afternoon and then we have the evening to prepare for the next day so things are always quite busy around here.

I think I might have to go join the drum circle...

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I'm here! I got here Tuesday night but it has been hard to get ahold of internet so here I am. I don't even know what day it is actually but I know it's been a couple days. Just checked my phone, it's Thursday.

There's so much to tell, I don't even know where to begin. This summer is exactly what I want to do with my life.

Here's part of a journal entry I wrote on May 5:

"I go through phases of loving the simplicity of this place and then feeling like I want to reject it. Sometimes I really want to be here and sometimes I just want to hop on the next plane home. My reactions are violent but within. Wild, but contained. The streets are so quiet at night, so calm. The room is simple, so simple, but old and antique. I feel like a queen living here. A queen without a watch or a cellphone or internet. My mind is beginning to clear, duh Karyn, of course you are reacting strongly to this. A lot of your ways of fake communicating and connecting with people have been taken away, of course you feel this way. This new way is fearful, strange, and a little bit unknown. Okay a lot unknown. You will have to acquire new ways of communicating and expressing that don’t involve updating your status."

This is a very peaceful place and I constantly find myself inspired, although exhausted as well. The company is mostly talking and doing different warmups and skill games right now but soon we will get into writing and exploration.

Oh we also have a lovely producer who, for the first week, is cooking us AMAZING meals. Homemade everything. It is tasty.