Monday, August 22, 2011


For the past four months I have lived and worked in a small town on the coast of Vancouver Island. I have watched with wonder as the people of Chemainus have opened their homes and their hearts to me. I am forever grateful to all of the beautiful, innovative, and loving people I have met here.

Thank you,

Dave and Michelle, for opening your home to me and teaching me about the endless amounts of love one can have. Rebecca and Madeleine, for being bright lights of life when I was walking through darkness. Debbie, for Menno-mart trips, making me laugh til I nearly pee my pants, and being my God-sent angel when I needed you the most. Suzanne, for your endless hope and smiling eyes. Jim, for making a girl feel loved and appreciated. Derek and Scott, for being strong men in a world where it is often easier to stay boys. Bob, for your honesty. Eliza, for your frankness. Keely, for your soft heart and strong will. Kym, for laughing with me and sharing your children. Mark and Shannon, for making your life a work of art others can only appreciate. Marlie, for being my stand-in momma and the funniest woman I’ve ever met. Kathy and Ward, for appreciating hard work and running a business I can stand behind and be proud of. Scott and Su, for letting me experience your program and learn from your kids. Vern, for always listening to me. Mark and Erin, for being lovely housemates. Ruby, for always making sure you get a hug and a kiss before I leave the house in the morning. Hannah, for being hardcore and fearless. Dave, for showing me around the land you love so much, our shared passion for trees, and, of course, your fine taste in trucks. Sam, for including me in your fun. Joel, for dinner dates and much needed hugs. JD, for coming to visit. Dani, for your unrelenting love and compassion. My Creator, for mercy and grace when I don’t deserve it, for always, always providing what I need, and giving new hope where there once was none.

With all of my heart,

Thank you.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Unnatural Knowledge

a perverted trinity
upside down in
my head
Judas spins round and round
his misery completed in my mouth
I allow my own evil
to sit and fester
saturating his
forever tortured

oh heavens
open up and let me in.
My love, my passion
can only be for you,
The Beloved.
Seduce me into
a feast for two.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thanks for Thinking

A friend of mine wrote an excellent piece on the story of Job. Take a look here.