Tuesday, June 3, 2008

you're probably all sick of the single talk...

So I figured I should probably give my views so far on my "single" questions.

"Do you think chosen singleness is looked down upon in today's society? Do we have to choose between a family or a career? Is it at all possible to be fully devoted to both?"

I talked to several people this week about singleness and the questions I have been pondering for the last year. What brought these questions into my head originally was the scary saying about being "married to the theatre" because while going to school for acting, well, I heard it a lot. So it put this thought in my head, "What if I become so involved in theatre that I can't manage both family and work"? The thought of kids not having a mom there for them when they need it scares the living daylights out of me. I mean I get goosebumps, and not the good kind.

Anyway, I know that most of the answers to the questions are logical if your chosen profession is not theatre, but what if in fact it is? Because I waver back and forth between deciding if singleness is frowned upon or just not seen often enough and I know most people can balance a family and a career just fine. But I guess my real question is, "What if your career takes up your emotional energy, your physical energy, and most of your time?". What then? Keep in mind that I have realized this past week that my passions and what I want probably will change over time so what I decide right now is for right now. People change, desires happen (not necessarily change), stages of life happen. So keeping that in the back of our heads, right now I don't see where a family can fit into where i'm headed.

Also I don't see myself ever being fully devoted to both. Someone or something will have to sacrifice, and i'm beginning to realize that maybe that's ok. It's sometimes simply a matter of asking yourself these questions to realize what you would be willing to give up for either and find out where your priorities lie.

So that's where I stand. Again feel free to comment. I love hearing opinions.

Song of the Day:
Just a band in general today: Interpol (check them out, really good chillin music)


Kiimey said...

i agree. our opinions change. there are life seasons and cycles. for the most part i think if we keep our eyes focused on God and keep that relationship. he will provide at the right time the person/place/thing etc. - it'll all work out.

often i thought, what i think will happen. yet, theres a verse somewhere in proverbs: man plans, God steers. something along those lines.
we make plans and God uses those to get us somewhere entirely else...

Karyn said...

Yeah lots of times that is what ends up happening. Ha I look back at where I had hoped to be now and where I am and they are different, mostly what I want is different, but that's that. I'm happy with those new wants. And there will probably be more new wants...