Saturday, June 21, 2008

Broken Homes

I am discouraged. Very discouraged.

What the heck is the point of marriage?

On a completely unrelated note, there is a show next week from June 25-28 called Proof playing at Pacific Theatre. Two of my friends are in it. Should be good. You should go if you can. And don't worry, I am not going alone. Since my "walking alone in Vancouver at night" post I have had many offers of girls and boys that would love to keep me company they say.

They have no idea what they're volunteering for...

Song of the Day:
Jerk it Out by The Caesars


Anonymous said...

What's the point of a promise?

Karyn said...

To keep it.
So what happens when we break it?

Anonymous said...

In all cases consequences are faced... it always sucks. Take the story of Jephthah for example in Judges 11:35.

God sets the example Himself and stays married to Israel which is explained to us through the marriage of Hosea and Gomer (Hosea 3:1),... breaking a promise to God should never even be an option. That is what is making marriage so hard to understand these days... It is getting mixed up, because what it really is, is a promise to God, which in turn is a promise to the person you are marrying. God hates it when we break promises with him (Malachi 2: 16).

No one said you have to get married though.

Karyn said...

I don't think marriage is as simple as a promise. Relationships are complicated and every single one has to be considered seperately.

Anonymous said...

I agree, marriage isn't as simple as a promise, infact we will never understand the full complexity of it. But God tells us what we need to know. Jesus tells us that true marriage is God-joined to become one flesh (Mark 10:6-9 & Matthew 19:4-6). How can one flesh be separated? Therefore, Marriage cannot be compared to just any relationship.

Divorce is permitted, but is it ever beneficial (1Corinthians 10:23)? Paul talks about marriage in 1Corinthians 7. Our society seems to question God just as the Pharisees did (Mark 10:4-5 & Matthew 19:7-8).

Karyn said...

I think divorce can be beneficial. I know some couples right now who could benefit from being seperate. As humans we make mistakes, including in marriage, and sometimes those are best undone by separation. Not to disagree with God's blessing on marriage or marriage not being comparable to any other relationship, because I do believe both of those to be true.