Tuesday, August 12, 2008


In the midst of what seems to be a lifetime of confusion, this line made complete sense to me tonight:

"What she came to was that even if someone wasn't perfect or even especially good, you couldn't dismiss the love they felt. Love was always love; it had a rightness all its own, even if the person feeling the love was full of wrongness."

-Marisa de Los Santos

This is why we write books/plays/bibliographies, etc. We hope to find something, a tidbit, that resonates with us, with our story. Theatre was created to be a sharing experience, a live interaction with humans involving each of the sense. In the same way, books are intended for a similar purpose. More of the imagination is involved but there is still that feeling of, "Oh i've been there. Many times before. I UNDERSTAND". We want to know and be reassured that what we feel has already been felt. Someone out there has already gone through this and we immediately connect with that.

One Thing I Love: long emails from friends.
Song of the Day:
Let it all Out by Relient K


erin.germaine said...

i hereby dedicate my post "i am a cashew" to you

Jane said...

That book wasn't my favorite, but there were some gems in there. Love that in a writer... the abilty to tell a story. And the skill to assemble words that touch readers' hearts.

Karyn said...

I love the lines you underlined. They always make me laugh or agree especially and nod my head emphatically.
She has an incredible gift for writing. I think it's more of her style that i'm attracted to. It actually reminds me of you :)