In retrospect, I am astounded I could let go of the drama of being a suffering artist.
Nothing dies harder than a bad idea.
And few ideas are worse than the ones we have about art.
We can charge so many things off to our suffering-artist identity: drunkenness, promiscuity, fiscal problems, a certain ruthlessness and self-destructiveness in matters of the heart.
We all know how broke-crazy-promiscuous-unreliable artists are.
And if they don't have to be, THEN WHAT'S MY EXCUSE?
- The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Artistic Mandate
My last university assignment was to write my artistic mandate. This is meant to be measuring stick from which to hold up all future projects, shows, and endeavours to ensure I am doing meaningful, life giving work. It is important to note that this is an evolving document- even in the month since I wrote this, I have found things I would change.
My encouragement to you is to write your personal mandate. Whether you are in arts or accounting, being able to articulate what you believe and support is important. Whether you are faced with big decisions or seemingly insignificant decisions, use your mandate to guide you. Live intentionally.
My Artistic Mandate
My encouragement to you is to write your personal mandate. Whether you are in arts or accounting, being able to articulate what you believe and support is important. Whether you are faced with big decisions or seemingly insignificant decisions, use your mandate to guide you. Live intentionally.
My Artistic Mandate
When I dare to dream about my possible future, I see myself
doing very physically engaging, thought provoking, truth revealing, and,
sometimes painfully, piercing work. I
acknowledge this need in me as an innate desire to create: this mandate is my
resolve to nurture my creative passions.
I want to tell stories with the entirety of my body; movement as a
language is a knowledge I wish to cultivate. It is important to me to be a part of creating
new Canadian works of art because I believe Canadian artists have unique
stories to tell and must do so in creatively and aesthetically stimulating ways.
I place great importance on older,
established artists mentoring younger ones.
I believe in the power of story telling. I believe that it has the ability to
transform lives—both the act of doing theatre and the act of participating as
an audience member. I believe story
telling is an integral part of all cultures and must be cultivated and
respected. Stories are powerful because
they reflect to humanity what we can become and what we should beware of
becoming; truths
revealed that we might not have otherwise known. It is this truth telling that I wish to
develop to the best of my ability in myself and then use to empower other
act of making art exposes a society to itself.
Art brings things to light. It
illuminates us. It sheds light on our
lingering darkness. It casts a beam into
the heart of our own darkness and says, “See?”- Julia Cameron
As an artist, I commit myself to:
affirming work- art that is redemptive, upholds hope, asks difficult questions
without feeding easy answers, and challenges the status quo.
working/exploring with other artists to create a collective piece of art. This includes artists from other
disciplines. I commit myself to
cultivating a spirit of collaboration, whether it is a devised piece or someone
else’s words.
I will find mentors both in my profession and personal life
to guide me and encourage me when I get discouraged.
I will seek out those younger than me and invest my time and my self
into their development and well-being.
lies in the moment of encounter: we meet our truth and we meet ourselves; we
meet ourselves and we meet our self expression.
We become original because we become something specific: an origin from which work flows – Julia Cameron
I value…
Redemptive stories.
This does not necessarily mean stories with happy endings,
rather, it means that the story as a whole does not reflect a despairing and
hopeless worldview.
I believe in the hope, truth, beauty, and light that humans are capable
of creating.
Art as worship
May my art making always be a fragrant offering to the One
who calls me to create. I trust that if
I am open to the power of the resurrection in my life, that God will and does
come and join the creative process.
The driving force of God that plunges
through me is what I live for – Martha Graham
Passions, Intrigues, and Abilities
I will pursue
that which inspires, captivates, and motivates me without hindrance or worry of
what the future brings. This is not
abandonment of responsibility but an acknowledgement of a gift and a commitment
to the worthwhile nurturing of the impulse that spurs me to create.
isolation is a necessary and healthy part of the creative process, one who
stays continually isolated amongst their work is no longer a help to themselves
or others. I recognize my need for
others and obligate myself to the artistic community around me.
The horror of life and an
ecstatic awareness of the joys of living, may be true, of every creative
intelligence—and from the resultant conflict may arise the state of mind that
impels an artist towards aesthetic activity
- Martha Graham
Sunday, April 22, 2012
An Air of Finality
Due to an assignment, I find myself reading my first and last journals of my university experience. I am to write my personal artistic mandate.
This is a fantastic exercise, one that I have already thanked my professor profusely for assigning, and one that I think every artist, nay, every person should take the time to do.
Of the first show I was cast in, I wrote, "Myth will change my life. I know it."
I had absolutely no idea how true those words would be.
So many words I wrote in my first and second year have ended up as prophesies over my life. How powerful it can be when we write in the name of a calling or a gift.
This time next week I will be the proud owner of the esteemed title: BFA in Acting.
Just pray I don't trip on the way to receiving it.
This is a fantastic exercise, one that I have already thanked my professor profusely for assigning, and one that I think every artist, nay, every person should take the time to do.
Of the first show I was cast in, I wrote, "Myth will change my life. I know it."
I had absolutely no idea how true those words would be.
So many words I wrote in my first and second year have ended up as prophesies over my life. How powerful it can be when we write in the name of a calling or a gift.
This time next week I will be the proud owner of the esteemed title: BFA in Acting.
Just pray I don't trip on the way to receiving it.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Okay last one...maybe
In a dancer there is a reverence for such forgotten things as the miracle of the small beautiful bones and their delicate strength. In a thinker there is a reverence for the beauty of the alert and directed and lucid mind. In all of us who perform there is an awareness of the smile which is part of the equipment of gift of the acrobat. We have all walked the high wire of circumstance at times. We recognize the gravity pull of the earth as he does. The smile is there because he is practicing living at the instant of danger. He does not choose to fall.
-Martha Graham
Saturday, April 7, 2012
satisfy me in the morning with your love
A darkened room
with a darkened door
satisfied by the squeaking chair
of your rolling, wayward heart
my love
i say as I slip into subconscious
waking up without you is half alive
half a person
compliant with mortality.
i am not.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
A Great Privilege
About the artist:
"You are a great public servant," [Martha] told her dancers. "You are fulfilling a person's dream of what a man and a woman can be or should beware of being. Sometimes you are doing something for them because they cannot do it for themselves, at least not in the same way. So you are a servant to the public and that is a great privilege and a great honor."
"I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. In each it is the performance or a dedicated precise set of acts, physical or intellectual, from which comes shape of achievement, a sense of one's being, a satisfaction of spirit. One becomes in some area an athlete of God."
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
You Always Reveal Yourself to Me Through Movement
Martha Graham, teaching a dance class, looked down at a dancer straining rather than strengthening his body and said,
"My child, my child, remember the divinity of your spine. It is your own tree of life. Everything branches out from it."
Friday, March 16, 2012
10 Ways Being a Theatre Major Prepared Me For Success
A business owner and entrepreneur outlines how his theatre degree in college has helped him in every facet of his career.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
That darkness cannot consume me
my beauty escapes, accidentally
the Mystery is baffling
smoke rises from the gentle whisper
in my soul.
Be still, small one,
the fire burns inside
but you must be patient,
bright and small.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
I am a Thief
I am a thief --
and I glory in it --
I steal from the present and from the glorious past -- and I stand in the
dark of the future as a glorying & joyous thief -- There are so many
wonderful things of the imagination to pilfer -- so I stand accused-
I am a thief -- but with this reservation -- I think I know the value of
that I steal & treasure it for all time -- not as a possession but as a
heritage & as legacy
- Martha Graham, The Notebooks of Martha Graham
The artist is a thief. Once admitted, one "may become one's 'calling,' one's 'destiny,' one's 'fame' -- one's 'immortality' --
The beginning, I'm finding, is delicious.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I Love Love
I have recognized lately that I love love. I delight in watching people love each other. Mothers and daughters. Brothers. Friends. Young love, old love. I love love.
Speaking of love, the day-that-shall-not-be-named will soon be upon us. I cannot help but have an aversion to Valentine's Day. I hate it. I just plain hate it. I haven't even had bad Valentine's Day experiences, hell I haven't had ANY Valentine's Day experiences. I hate that the original intention of the day often gets lost in our attempts to fulfill expectations.
I haven't been writing lately, which is rather discouraging and frustrating to me. I figured I would reflect back to the summer when I truly was a child of the earth. My emotions were volatile and so was my writing. When it was good, it was very good. When it was wretched, well, I won't share those publicly.
I can smell you creature of the earth
Lover of Life
You make the magic of a thousand words in one glance
I'm sweat, salty
from the good work
Do a good work in me
May it imitate the magic
you have already established
Grass Grass can only grow
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