Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Someone left a message on my phone yesterday saying that yes, in fact faith was certainty.

Just thought you guys might want to know her opinion.

Next time I decide to go to a late show in Vancouver alone, please will someone kindly remind me that it's not a good idea. I know my mom reads this and is most likely in a state of panic at this point, probably all mothers for that matter.
I went to a show yesterday that started at 9:30 not realizing, in the blondest moment I can remember, that by the time I get out it will be dark and my car is in a sketchy parkade quite a few blocks down. Suddenly I didn't feel all grown up anymore.

Anyway, enough about that. I am safe.
The show I went to was called April 14, 1912 and believe it or not, it was about the Titanic. I picked a fairly good seat and before long the theatre started filling up. To the left of me sat a flamboyantly gay couple (I got a "Oh my goodness, I just looove your sweater" as they shuffled by) and to the right of me sat an asian couple who were still learning english (theatre is a good place to work on your english if you're an ESL student). I felt like Vancouver was well represented.

The show was mostly movement, dance, and music. Very few words. It still baffles me how as humans we can understand movement sometimes just as well if not more clearly than words. I have to admit some of it went right over my head (one character WAS the Titanic). I felt about three quarters of the way through, my mind was wandering. The sinking scene took a good twenty to thirty minutes.
It was a good experience none the less. I don't know if I would recommend it at all. Probably not.

Song of the Day:
What I Got by Sublime


Anonymous said...

Do ya wanna give me a heart attack? Sure wish I had gotten a sub for my class and gone with you. How was the play tonight?

BetteringMe said...

My friend saw it and was less than impressed too.
I came across your blog via Kaylee's :) Just so you know I'm not some huge creeper. I'll be back.

Karyn said...

Yeah it wasn't that great.