Friday, June 13, 2008

More artsy talk

I went to visit my friend Jane tonight.
She told me things about blogs.
See, i'm already working them into my posts. I feel so much smarter. Clever almost.

I saw two shows tonight from Magnetic North festival. Two completely different shows I might add.

The first was So Many Doors by Sour Brides Theatre company (from the Yukon). Very good performances by all four actors. The story was about the coming together and breaking apart of two couples going through the same traumatic experience of the death of a child. The script was a little too preachy, too much telling of the story rather than showing me the story. The lighting design and set were both very well done. Those two things make a huge difference in a show and quite frankly most shows I see, i'm usually not very impressed with lighting or set. I most often see lighting designs that end up not serving the play. That's irritating. And annoying.

Anyway, second show I saw was a Studio 58 production that was fun, fluffy, and in my opinion not that well done. Again, I felt like they told me way too much and didn't show me nearly enough. Their ending didn't serve a purpose. It went from fun and dancing and comedy most of the way through until the end where it all of a sudden became serious and most of the cast ended in tears. Their set was pretty cool. It reminded me of Trinity's Pride and Prejudice this past season; they took one medium (columns) and made it work for every setting. I also felt the characters in this production were too much of themselves. It seemed like a bunch of young adults coming up with drivel. I don't want to see drivel.

I could talk for a long time about both but I won't bore you with that. I love going to theatre with someone who knows something about theatre (take for instance one of my theatre professors tonight) because the conversation after each piece is so engaging and having been in the business a long time and being the brilliant sort that she is, she can spot good theatre from a mile away. My opinion at least.

This week has been so busy I haven't even had time to catch my breath and write. I was looking back through my journal the other day and I find reading what I wrote so interesting. It's like i'm seeing myself in a different light, or from a different perspective. I will always always recommend journalling. I think it's one of those things that I need. I'm always on the lookout for those needs. They're important I tell you.

Song of the Day:
Miss American Pie by Don Maclean...I think. It came on my ipod today and I just glanced

1 comment:

Kaylee said...

Hello lovely. Your blog is inspiring me to pick up and start blogging again. It's been a loooong time. who knows if that will happen.

I read about twenty of your posts just now and from the sound of it, I think we're very similar people. I often go to theatre alone. I am obsessed with Vancouver and will go to theatre over other things any day. I hate that I have to miss Magnetic North.

You write so fluidly and coherently. I like reading this - keep it up! Enjoy summer (if it ever comes.....)
