Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Unconscious Desire

Funny thing, I looked in my writing file today and I clicked on the Word Document labelled 'Unconscious Desire' and this is what popped up. I do not even remember these words. I guess it really was an unconscious desire.

Wild abandon to all things lovely

To all things beautiful.

Caress my heart, my cares.

Man, filthy being, your heart is empty and your insides rotten.

I could never...stops. No, that is a lie I tell myself.

I wish my heart was open and your love could slide in.

I wish, I wish, I wish a lot of scenarios.

None of them being real or true or ever even possible for you!

What do I wish that could really truly happen?

Let God be God and man be man.

Ah yes I remember now. This was about the construction workers. I hope this June for you is lovely because all I seem to be hearing are stories of pain, frustration, and anger. It seems to be a phase in my world right now. I am doing surprisingly well despite these heart-wrenchers. It is causing me to think and write and for this I am thankful. I am taking a playwriting class/mentorship/whatever you want to call it with Lucia Frangione as well. I will leave you with a verse I have recently discovered and labelled MINE.

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seeds to sow, will return with songs of joy, carring sheaves with him"
Psalms 126: 5-6 NIV

Song of the Day:
See by Maclean
-This may or may not be a plug for a dear friend who is in this band and internet, if you do not know this band, you should. Some excellent tunes.

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